Kemaskini terbaru: August 30, 2013




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Some Weaknesses of The Relativity Theory On The Basis of Cosmological Doctrines


Fundamental principles of the Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (ETR) are the continuum space-time axiom, the Mach principle and the constancy of the speed of light in a vacuo. It is shown by Whitehead [1] and Iqbal [2] that these axioms and other physical concepts involved are not independent of the German cosmological doctrine which are incompatible with the Christian-English and Islamic cosmological doctrines. Similar to the method of evaluating the ETR done by Whitehead and Iqbal, we reevaluate the theory based on the Malay cosmological doctrine. It is shown that the present Einstein’s and Whitehead’s theory of space-time is not fully consistent with the corresponding Islamic-Malay cosmological doctrine. Views of Islamic scholars on the compatability of the Islamic cosmological doctrine with the Einstein’s Theory are refuted. It is shown that the Islamic and Malay cosmological doctrines are potentially useful in proposing an innovative theory of relativity.

For further reading, please download here: Some Weaknesses of The Relativity Theory On The Basis of Cosmological Doctrines.

1 Komen

  1. ruqaiyah hmy

    salam, can i ask something?
    what is mean by Cosmological doctrine?
    because i’m 1st year physics student, and i only learnt about Relativity Theory, but not yet Cosmological Doctrine..



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