Islam and Muslims are the subject of a huge body of works by non-Muslim scholars in the world. Euro-American scholarship has had the lion’s share in those works, mostly within the framework of Orientalism. Different methods have been adopted in the study of matters Islamic and have been shaped by historical, political and cultural factors as well as ideological and philosophical considerations.
Non Euro-American scholars from Asia and other parts of the globe have also had their share in the study of Islam and Muslims. A linguist by training, the Keio University Professor Toshihiko Izutsu (1914-1993) is Japan’s foremost scholar of Islam in the history of Muslim-Japanese relations.
Professor Izutsu’s name and fame in the world of academia and intellectual activity are due to his multifaceted work in the study of the Qur’an and Islam (both in Japanese and English) whereby he developed a unique approach combining philosophical and semantic methods in dealing with his object. Though he lived and taught in western universities, he managed, to a large extent, to keep clear distance from the Orientalist tradition that has for long, dominated the field of Islamic studies in the west. Muslim and non-Muslim scholars alike have acknowledged the depth and breadth of his scholarship.
As a signpost in the relationship between Japan and Islam, Toshihiko Izutsu’s works on the Qur’an and Islamic thought deserve serious consideration by scholars concerned about the study of Islam in particular and mutual understanding and dialogue among civilizations and cultures of the world in general.
The Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion at the International Islamic University Malaysia has the pleasure to organize the first International Conference on Contemporary Scholarship on Islam: Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies – The Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu (ICONSIST).
« Kimia Hijau Dalam Kerangka Teknologi Islam | Senarai Isi Kandungan Jurnal Kesturi (1991-2006) »
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